I am a PhD student in Anthropology at University of Toronto and also serving my 2nd term as the Co-Chair of the Canadian Kurdish Community Centre. I have been building the relationship between the Kurdish community in the GTA with the NDP for over a decade – at the local, provincial, and federal level – as their policies are the most inline with ours both here and back home.
One of my motivations for political activity is my community – the Kurdish community of the GTA – which is estimated to be 50,000-60,000 individuals, more than 4000 of whom live in the Vaughan-Woodbridge riding. I would love to give a voice to this new community in Toronto, adding to the mosaic that already exists in this city and province. Like many working class refugees trying to escape persecution, they are struggling to find work and housing and survive in an endless limbo of immigration, bureaucracy, and cultural and language barriers. I find that the issues in my community reflect those of the NDP platform: advocacy for those in need, affordable housing, quality job opportunities, higher wages for the working class, and union solidarity. I am honoured to be the candidate for Vaughan--Woodbridge and excited to be part of the Ontario NDP team under the leadership and vision of Marit Stiles.
Akademîsyen û aktîvîsta kurd Elîf Genç ku li Zanîngeha Torontoyê doktoraya xwe li ser antropolojiyê didomîne û di heman demê de Hevseroka Navenda Civaka Kurd a Kanadayê ye. Genc da zanîn ku di çarçoveya prensîbên platforma NDP'ê de ew ê ji bo pêşdebirin û çareserkirina pirsgirêkên aborî, civakî, jiyan û koçberiyê yên çîna karker û civaka ku jê tê, bisekine û çi ji destê wê tê bikin. Genç, bi xebatên xwe yên akademîsyen û aktîvîstî ên li ser pirsgirêkên ne tenê civaka Kurd lê hemû gelên bindest û jinan tê naskirin. Serkeftîn!